- Sixties photography
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- The morning after the Oscars
The morning after the Oscars
Even in the gloom of March, breakfast is glamorous. It's something to do with the glassiness of sleep, the decadence of pausing to eat, while in a rush. By the swimming pool of the Beverly Hills Hotel though, in silk and heels, breakfast is sublime. It's the very early morning after Oscar night, March 1977, and Faye Dunaway is just waking up after winning an Academy Award for her role in Network. The photographer, Terry O'Neill, had met her on a magazine shoot the week before and they had become friends. He tells her his idea. "I wanted to capture the look of dazed confusion," he recalls today, "to capture that state of utter shock that Oscar winners enter, where they go to bed thrilled, then overnight, it dawns on them that they've changed, that they've just become a star. And not just a star, a millionaire."